Monday 14 December 2009

Weekend work

P1080280 P1080268

Progress has been good (very good) over the weekend.  The backhead fittings have all been test assembled and will now be stored until the firebox is painted as most are brass anyway.  The steam turret for the top of the firebox is similarly ready. 

The main progress has however been on the frames, with the following completed:

- rods laminated and cleaned up.

- Motion brackets folded and attached to frames.

- Frames attached to footplate and front and middle spacers attached too.  The rear spacer has to wait as the new motor (on its way from Slaters) has different fittings.

- The front and rear buffer beams have been attached.

- The axleboxes are on their way to being completed and the cranks have been cleaned up ready.

- The cylinders are attached and couplings were added front and rear into their pockets

- Plus loads of other components have been cleaned up ready for installation such as cab steps, cylinder covers, springs, buffers etc

The only errors so far as 1) I managed to file off two tabs on the end of one of the frames, but with careful soldering have managed to get around that problem, it just made it a little harder than it needed to have been and 2) I accidentally filed off a rivet, but frankly can’t get too worried about that and these could be recreated with paint effects anyway.  I filed off the corresponding rivet on the other side so it looks balanced anyway.


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