Well City won 2-1 so that was good fun.
Also good fun is the fact that my loco works! I just tested with the fly leads and everything worked perfectly. The only issue is that after a while the 10BA steel nuts on the end of the big end crankpins wear loose and fall off. I probably need some nut retaining compound to sort this minor issue out.
Also added tonight were the reverser and drain cock rods, plus their cranks and the rest of the inside valve gear (although two wire runs need adding tomorrow.
A view from underneath shows much more, and also shows the brake gear set up ready for soldering in. I will leave this semi-removable with the gear able to hinge out of the way so that wheels can be got at. This will also make painting easier.
The rear coupling has been reattached without its pocket, which fouled the new motor and the lower firebox white metal pieces were also glued in.
Finally, I did some work on a 3 plank wagon I bought off ebay. The sides had traces of some kind of sellotape or other glue underneath, so this has been scraped off, and filler added on top. I kind of like the distressed look, so won’t do a perfect job on the filling. Then a repaint and weathering await. This may be the running wagon for the Hunslet (holding the batteries etc).